
Launching: LocalizeAustin Blog!

After over two years of entertainment blogging, I’ve discovered something significant- along with exploring Austin and the fun things to do in our wonderfully weird city comes discovering new local businesses! For awhile now, I’ve been gathering thoughts and ideas in my head for what would be my Austin-based local business blog and I am excited to announce that I just launched it! Though it’s in its infancy, it will be growing fast! As I familiarize myself with it and begin to fill it with lots of valuable information about the local business scene in Austin, I will be tweaking the format and content to make sure it’s snazzy to look at and informative to read. I intend for the LocalizeAustin blog to contain ‘Rebeccammendations’ for business tools, technologies, and resources, successful stories of businesses who are innovating, local business events, and how to’s.

This new blog will be tied to my local business advising services, RebecConnections, but don’t fret! TheRebeccammendations will still be going strong. In fact, each blog will help fuel the other to bring more information about local business-driven entertainment in Austin, Texas.

Take a look, follow the blog on Facebook and Twitter, and send in feedback, questions, ideas, or advising inquiries. I’d love to know what you think and learn what will help you localize, socialize, and differentiate local business in Austin.

Thank you for your support of the latest online addition to Austin’s local business scene.


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